Cognitive ergonomics / brain ergonomics that everyone can understand – and get results from!

You can quickly increase your productivity by 10-20%, reduce stress and increase well-being.


The six-minute rule: How much do you lose in total in a year?

  1. If a person’s productivity decreases by six minutes per hour over ten months – due to various distractions – it is equivalent to the  amount an organization pays in staff costs for a month’s work. 
  2. Added to that is lost revenue of at least the same amount that should contribute to a company’s profit and common costs. Please note that this does not include the breaks we take to be productive.
  3. How much do you lose in total in one year?
More information is in the videos in section 1.



Briefly on cognition and cognitive ergonomics

Cognition is how the brain takes in, processes, stores and retrieves information. It allows you to direct your attention, sort out what is not essential for the task, plan, organise, solve problems, learn, be creative and make decisions. This is what makes us human.

1. Information enters your brain – input. 2. It is processed. 3. It results in something – output.

For example, 1. Your eyes register that the traffic light is turning red (input). 2. The information is processed. 3. You stop (output).

Cognitive ergonomics is about the interaction between our human needs and abilities – and our environment, work practices, technology and culture. 


It can also be used to develop technologies and working methods – to create better working conditions and efficiency. It is also important for improving the quality of education in our schools, colleges and universities.


Cognitive ergonomics means providing us with better conditions – to utilise the full potential of our brains. We get more done with less effort.


Well-thought-out and pedagogical

”The online training is well thought out and pedagogical. It presents knowledge about the brain in an appealing way that is easy to grasp.

The topic is highly relevant and something that many companies can benefit from learning more about – both in terms of health and finance. I highly recommend the Cognicopter programme.” 
Isabelle Sjövall, neurodesigner

Mental coach: "Cognicopter creates behavioural change in the shortest time"

“I have completed and compared many online training programmes in the health field. We settled on Cognicopter because it created a behavioural change in the shortest time. It gave me positive behavioural change, which is rare for an online course to result in.”

You have succeeded in making the content of the programme easy to understand. We now use the training in our work, and the participants really notice the benefits”. 
Fredrik Uddeholt, mental coach and ICC coach, Trippple AB. They studied under the international pioneer in cognitive coaching, Lars-Eric Unestål.

Office researcher: Education on how to think and choose a workplace is important

”… that employees are trained in how to think and choose – and how important it is to choose. You can’t move in and think it’s just business as usual, because it really is a change in the way you plan and carry out your work. The employees themselves also have their own responsibility when there are good conditions.”

From an interview Tomas Dalström did with Helena Jancke for Meetings International in October 2018. She is an associate professor of occupational health science and a doctor of psychology. After this interview the idea of the Congicopter programme began to emerge. It took on a broader and holistic perspective.

Dagens Nyheter (Sweden’s largest morning newspaper) published an article with Jahncke and Tomas Dalström titled ”So much worse you perform in a crowded office”, 2023-04-16. The New York Times quoted Jahncke and David Hallman, Associate Professor of Occupational Health Sciences, in September 2022.

You can read what others think about the programme here.

Change management - a training for HR, managers and other change leaders

This training is aimed at those responsible for implementation. You will receive a toolkit comprising researchers’ concrete advice and tips, others’ proven experience and checklists.

Online training and video meetings. It is important to note that this training can only be purchased when several staff members are to complete the Cognicopter training (above).


A culture of intelligence - the natural step

Currently, many organisations are going through something akin to an existential crisis. Fortunately, there’s one factor that remains the same – when everything else seems to be moving at a very high pace – our brain. So naturally, we need to start there. Everything else is crazy.

Most people want change but don’t know how to make it happen

We are introducing the concept of an intelligence-generating culture. In it, everyone knows how our brains work and how it affects our health and performance. We talk about a culture of intelligence. In it, everyone knows how our brains work and how it affects our health and performance. 

There is a gap between what science knows and what we do. Lerarningcopter online training is based on research.

  • You will gain in-depth knowledge about when, where and how your brain works at its best. And WHY this is so. You get more done – with less effort. Like a catapult.
  • You will also gain in-depth knowledge of how the brain is affected by, for example, multitasking and disruptive environments. WHY it is affected and HOW it affects the results of what you do (writing, creating, et cetera) and your well-being.  You get more done – with less effort. Like a double catapult.
  • You will gain knowledge that will help you increase your performance and well-being.
  •  You receive concrete advice and tips from researchers.

You will understand how to think and act in order to use your brain’s full potential. When working in the office, at home or elsewhere.

An intelligence-generating culture is a prerequisite for the office of the future, a sustainable work environment, a digital transformation, skills development, an agile way of working, new leadership and self-leadership. Yes, most things you do and will do in the future.



The Cognicopter Model© makes complex facts about the brain accessible to understand.

A video explaining our concept (5 stars out of 5)

”The illustration makes it easy to understand how the brain works and what it takes to work effectively

The model also helps you quickly identify the distractions and select them out to get more results with less effort.”
Sterner de la Mau, Chairman/Founder, MobileLoyalty

The Cognicopter model© shows an ecological system where different brain parts interact and depend on each other. And just like the interaction with nature, you can make good or bad choices.

We know the word 'unique' is overused, but we haven't found anything better after more than one thousand hours of work.

Most training programmes have a person speaking into the camera, some visual material and knowledge tests.

Our includes 64 videos and animations, researchers’ images, researchers’ concrete advice and tips, reflection exercises and a knowledge test with a diploma. A mix of seriousness, creativity and playfulness – to stimulate the brain.

About us

Tomas Dalström, a behavioural scientist, has spent thousands of hours trying to understand how the brain works. He has interviewed around 50 researchers and other specialists. His work has resulted among other things in the nominated book ”Your brain from 2008 is more efficient than the one you have today”. You can read what others think about the book here.

National/international awards for journalism, scripts for film and multimedia productions and innovation. He has written texts and scripts for the programme.

Ulf Ziegler is the founder and former CEO for 30 years of one of Sweden’s most successful animation studios with large international clients. They have received national and international awards.

Tomas Dalström och Ulf Ziegler have spent over a thousand hours developing an innovative online training programme.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Ulf Ziegler: CEO
+46 705774134

Heppicopter is a collaboration between my company Little Big One AB (lbone.se) and Tomas Dalström. 

Tomas has written all the texts and scripts for our online training course. I have produced it.

Read more about us here.